Seven Remix XP is a package for Windows XP and Server 2003 interface modification, under the style of the upcoming Windows 7 OS. This package consists of new resources for system files and graphic appearance,
plus additional themes for the system and also applications, creating a side panel, desktop widgets, and an interactive switch among the program active windows. The installation is quite simple. The program creates a new system restore point in case you wish to roll back to the original state. After installing this package, you will be able to view the new OS desktop and some functional features of the new OS. System reboot is required after installation. After reboot, the system will be ready for your needs. Users may choose from 6 different color themes (main colors are: blue, gold, dark grey). The themes look really great and make your old desktop look fresh and modern. This package works only for XP and Windows Server 2003, but developers claim that there is a version for Vista available. As for me, now I enjoy a new look on my desktop.